/* * Project: Bootstrap Notify = v3.1.3 * Description: Turns standard Bootstrap alerts into "Growl-like" notifications. * Author: Mouse0270 aka Robert McIntosh * License: MIT License * Website: https://github.com/mouse0270/bootstrap-growl */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node/CommonJS factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { // Create the defaults once var defaults = { element: 'body', position: null, type: "info", allow_dismiss: true, newest_on_top: false, showProgressbar: false, placement: { from: "top", align: "right" }, offset: 20, spacing: 10, z_index: 1031, delay: 5000, timer: 1000, url_target: '_blank', mouse_over: null, animate: { enter: 'animated fadeInDown', exit: 'animated fadeOutUp' }, onShow: null, onShown: null, onClose: null, onClosed: null, icon_type: 'class', template: '' }; String.format = function() { var str = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { str = str.replace(RegExp("\\{" + (i - 1) + "\\}", "gm"), arguments[i]); } return str; }; function Notify ( element, content, options ) { // Setup Content of Notify var content = { content: { message: typeof content == 'object' ? content.message : content, title: content.title ? content.title : '', icon: content.icon ? content.icon : '', url: content.url ? content.url : '#', target: content.target ? content.target : '-' } }; options = $.extend(true, {}, content, options); this.settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; if (this.settings.content.target == "-") { this.settings.content.target = this.settings.url_target; } this.animations = { start: 'webkitAnimationStart oanimationstart MSAnimationStart animationstart', end: 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend MSAnimationEnd animationend' } if (typeof this.settings.offset == 'number') { this.settings.offset = { x: this.settings.offset, y: this.settings.offset }; } this.init(); }; $.extend(Notify.prototype, { init: function () { var self = this; this.buildNotify(); if (this.settings.content.icon) { this.setIcon(); } if (this.settings.content.url != "#") { this.styleURL(); } this.styleDismiss(); this.placement(); this.bind(); this.notify = { $ele: this.$ele, update: function(command, update) { var commands = {}; if (typeof command == "string") { commands[command] = update; }else{ commands = command; } for (var command in commands) { switch (command) { case "type": this.$ele.removeClass('alert-' + self.settings.type); this.$ele.find('[data-notify="progressbar"] > .progress-bar').removeClass('progress-bar-' + self.settings.type); self.settings.type = commands[command]; this.$ele.addClass('alert-' + commands[command]).find('[data-notify="progressbar"] > .progress-bar').addClass('progress-bar-' + commands[command]); break; case "icon": var $icon = this.$ele.find('[data-notify="icon"]'); if (self.settings.icon_type.toLowerCase() == 'class') { $icon.removeClass(self.settings.content.icon).addClass(commands[command]); }else{ if (!$icon.is('img')) { $icon.find('img'); } $icon.attr('src', commands[command]); } break; case "progress": var newDelay = self.settings.delay - (self.settings.delay * (commands[command] / 100)); this.$ele.data('notify-delay', newDelay); this.$ele.find('[data-notify="progressbar"] > div').attr('aria-valuenow', commands[command]).css('width', commands[command] + '%'); break; case "url": this.$ele.find('[data-notify="url"]').attr('href', commands[command]); break; case "target": this.$ele.find('[data-notify="url"]').attr('target', commands[command]); break; default: this.$ele.find('[data-notify="' + command +'"]').html(commands[command]); }; } var posX = this.$ele.outerHeight() + parseInt(self.settings.spacing) + parseInt(self.settings.offset.y); self.reposition(posX); }, close: function() { self.close(); } }; }, buildNotify: function () { var content = this.settings.content; this.$ele = $(String.format(this.settings.template, this.settings.type, content.title, content.message, content.url, content.target)); this.$ele.attr('data-notify-position', this.settings.placement.from + '-' + this.settings.placement.align); if (!this.settings.allow_dismiss) { this.$ele.find('[data-notify="dismiss"]').css('display', 'none'); } if ((this.settings.delay <= 0 && !this.settings.showProgressbar) || !this.settings.showProgressbar) { this.$ele.find('[data-notify="progressbar"]').remove(); } }, setIcon: function() { if (this.settings.icon_type.toLowerCase() == 'class') { this.$ele.find('[data-notify="icon"]').addClass(this.settings.content.icon); }else{ if (this.$ele.find('[data-notify="icon"]').is('img')) { this.$ele.find('[data-notify="icon"]').attr('src', this.settings.content.icon); }else{ this.$ele.find('[data-notify="icon"]').append('Notify Icon'); } } }, styleDismiss: function() { this.$ele.find('[data-notify="dismiss"]').css({ position: 'absolute', right: '10px', top: '5px', zIndex: this.settings.z_index + 2 }); }, styleURL: function() { this.$ele.find('[data-notify="url"]').css({ backgroundImage: 'url()', height: '100%', left: '0px', position: 'absolute', top: '0px', width: '100%', zIndex: this.settings.z_index + 1 }); }, placement: function() { var self = this, offsetAmt = this.settings.offset.y, css = { display: 'inline-block', margin: '0px auto', position: this.settings.position ? this.settings.position : (this.settings.element === 'body' ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'), transition: 'all .5s ease-in-out', zIndex: this.settings.z_index }, hasAnimation = false, settings = this.settings; $('[data-notify-position="' + this.settings.placement.from + '-' + this.settings.placement.align + '"]:not([data-closing="true"])').each(function() { return offsetAmt = Math.max(offsetAmt, parseInt($(this).css(settings.placement.from)) + parseInt($(this).outerHeight()) + parseInt(settings.spacing)); }); if (this.settings.newest_on_top == true) { offsetAmt = this.settings.offset.y; } css[this.settings.placement.from] = offsetAmt+'px'; switch (this.settings.placement.align) { case "left": case "right": css[this.settings.placement.align] = this.settings.offset.x+'px'; break; case "center": css.left = 0; css.right = 0; break; } this.$ele.css(css).addClass(this.settings.animate.enter); $.each(Array('webkit-', 'moz-', 'o-', 'ms-', ''), function(index, prefix) { self.$ele[0].style[prefix+'AnimationIterationCount'] = 1; }); $(this.settings.element).append(this.$ele); if (this.settings.newest_on_top == true) { offsetAmt = (parseInt(offsetAmt)+parseInt(this.settings.spacing)) + this.$ele.outerHeight(); this.reposition(offsetAmt); } if ($.isFunction(self.settings.onShow)) { self.settings.onShow.call(this.$ele); } this.$ele.one(this.animations.start, function(event) { hasAnimation = true; }).one(this.animations.end, function(event) { if ($.isFunction(self.settings.onShown)) { self.settings.onShown.call(this); } }); setTimeout(function() { if (!hasAnimation) { if ($.isFunction(self.settings.onShown)) { self.settings.onShown.call(this); } } }, 600); }, bind: function() { var self = this; this.$ele.find('[data-notify="dismiss"]').on('click', function() { self.close(); }) this.$ele.mouseover(function(e) { $(this).data('data-hover', "true"); }).mouseout(function(e) { $(this).data('data-hover', "false"); }); this.$ele.data('data-hover', "false"); if (this.settings.delay > 0) { self.$ele.data('notify-delay', self.settings.delay); var timer = setInterval(function() { var delay = parseInt(self.$ele.data('notify-delay')) - self.settings.timer; if ((self.$ele.data('data-hover') === 'false' && self.settings.mouse_over == "pause") || self.settings.mouse_over != "pause") { var percent = ((self.settings.delay - delay) / self.settings.delay) * 100; self.$ele.data('notify-delay', delay); self.$ele.find('[data-notify="progressbar"] > div').attr('aria-valuenow', percent).css('width', percent + '%'); } if (delay <= -(self.settings.timer)) { clearInterval(timer); self.close(); } }, self.settings.timer); } }, close: function() { var self = this, $successors = null, posX = parseInt(this.$ele.css(this.settings.placement.from)), hasAnimation = false; this.$ele.data('closing', 'true').addClass(this.settings.animate.exit); self.reposition(posX); if ($.isFunction(self.settings.onClose)) { self.settings.onClose.call(this.$ele); } this.$ele.one(this.animations.start, function(event) { hasAnimation = true; }).one(this.animations.end, function(event) { $(this).remove(); if ($.isFunction(self.settings.onClosed)) { self.settings.onClosed.call(this); } }); setTimeout(function() { if (!hasAnimation) { self.$ele.remove(); if (self.settings.onClosed) { self.settings.onClosed(self.$ele); } } }, 600); }, reposition: function(posX) { var self = this, notifies = '[data-notify-position="' + this.settings.placement.from + '-' + this.settings.placement.align + '"]:not([data-closing="true"])', $elements = this.$ele.nextAll(notifies); if (this.settings.newest_on_top == true) { $elements = this.$ele.prevAll(notifies); } $elements.each(function() { $(this).css(self.settings.placement.from, posX); posX = (parseInt(posX)+parseInt(self.settings.spacing)) + $(this).outerHeight(); }); } }); $.notify = function ( content, options ) { var plugin = new Notify( this, content, options ); return plugin.notify; }; $.notifyDefaults = function( options ) { defaults = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options); return defaults; }; $.notifyClose = function( command ) { if (typeof command === "undefined" || command == "all") { $('[data-notify]').find('[data-notify="dismiss"]').trigger('click'); }else{ $('[data-notify-position="'+command+'"]').find('[data-notify="dismiss"]').trigger('click'); } }; })); bonus buy games glow dig live casino video game blackjack multihand vip cheat slot pragmatic apk best football betting odds slot fist of destruction betting on atp tennis bonus buy games midas golden touch reborn bonus buy games lightning jungle hold the cash power of olympus pragmatic play mobile slots demo slot pasti x500 lazawin video game caishen smash slot catrina s coins bonus buy games barbarian bonus buy games shields of lambda lazawin bocoran rtp slot hari ini slot bonus buy games mustang gold megaways bonus buy games saray ruyasi bonus buy games super hot chilli web whatsapp slot baru gacor 2025 mitosplay.com cleo s book slot mad hit marlin bonanza bonus buy games story of jarptitsa robin hoods heroes