if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") { throw new Error("jQuery plugins need to be before this file"); } $.AdminBSB = {}; $.AdminBSB.options = { colors: { red: '#F44336', pink: '#E91E63', purple: '#9C27B0', deepPurple: '#673AB7', indigo: '#3F51B5', blue: '#2196F3', lightBlue: '#03A9F4', cyan: '#00BCD4', teal: '#009688', green: '#4CAF50', lightGreen: '#8BC34A', lime: '#CDDC39', yellow: '#ffe821', amber: '#FFC107', orange: '#FF9800', deepOrange: '#FF5722', brown: '#795548', grey: '#9E9E9E', blueGrey: '#607D8B', black: '#000000', white: '#ffffff' }, leftSideBar: { scrollColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', scrollWidth: '4px', scrollAlwaysVisible: false, scrollBorderRadius: '0', scrollRailBorderRadius: '0' }, dropdownMenu: { effectIn: 'fadeIn', effectOut: 'fadeOut' } } /* Left Sidebar - Function ================================================================================================= * You can manage the left sidebar menu options * */ $.AdminBSB.leftSideBar = { activate: function () { var _this = this; var $body = $('body'); var $overlay = $('.overlay'); //Close sidebar $(window).click(function (e) { var $target = $(e.target); if (e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'i') { $target = $(e.target).parent(); } if (!$target.hasClass('bars') && _this.isOpen() && $target.parents('#leftsidebar').length === 0) { if (!$target.hasClass('js-right-sidebar')) $overlay.fadeOut(); $body.removeClass('overlay-open'); } }); $.each($('.menu-toggle.toggled'), function (i, val) { $(val).next().slideToggle(0); }); //When page load $.each($('.menu .list li.active'), function (i, val) { var $activeAnchors = $(val).find('a:eq(0)'); $activeAnchors.addClass('toggled'); $activeAnchors.next().show(); }); //Collapse or Expand Menu $('.menu-toggle').on('click', function (e) { var $this = $(this); var $content = $this.next(); if ($($this.parents('ul')[0]).hasClass('list')) { var $not = $(e.target).hasClass('menu-toggle') ? e.target : $(e.target).parents('.menu-toggle'); $.each($('.menu-toggle.toggled').not($not).next(), function (i, val) { if ($(val).is(':visible')) { $(val).prev().toggleClass('toggled'); 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}); } } //========================================================================================================================== /* Form - Select - Function ================================================================================================ * You can manage the 'select' of form elements * */ $.AdminBSB.select = { activate: function () { if ($.fn.selectpicker) { $('select:not(.ms)').selectpicker(); } } } //========================================================================================================================== /* DropdownMenu - Function ================================================================================================= * You can manage the dropdown menu * */ $.AdminBSB.dropdownMenu = { activate: function () { var _this = this; $('.dropdown, .dropup, .btn-group').on({ "show.bs.dropdown": function () { var dropdown = _this.dropdownEffect(this); _this.dropdownEffectStart(dropdown, dropdown.effectIn); }, "shown.bs.dropdown": function () { var dropdown = _this.dropdownEffect(this); 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}, dropdownEffectStart: function (data, effectToStart) { if (effectToStart) { data.dropdown.addClass('dropdown-animating'); data.dropdownMenu.addClass('animated dropdown-animated'); data.dropdownMenu.addClass(effectToStart); } }, dropdownEffectEnd: function (data, callback) { var animationEnd = 'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend'; data.dropdown.one(animationEnd, function () { data.dropdown.removeClass('dropdown-animating'); data.dropdownMenu.removeClass('animated dropdown-animated'); data.dropdownMenu.removeClass(data.effectIn); data.dropdownMenu.removeClass(data.effectOut); if (typeof callback == 'function') { callback(); } }); } } //========================================================================================================================== /* Browser - Function ====================================================================================================== * You can manage browser * */ var edge = 'Microsoft Edge'; var ie10 = 'Internet Explorer 10'; var ie11 = 'Internet Explorer 11'; var opera = 'Opera'; var firefox = 'Mozilla Firefox'; var chrome = 'Google Chrome'; var safari = 'Safari'; $.AdminBSB.browser = { activate: function () { var _this = this; var className = _this.getClassName(); if (className !== '') $('html').addClass(_this.getClassName()); }, getBrowser: function () { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (/edge/i.test(userAgent)) { return edge; } else if (/rv:11/i.test(userAgent)) { return ie11; } else if (/msie 10/i.test(userAgent)) { return ie10; } else if (/opr/i.test(userAgent)) { return opera; } else if (/chrome/i.test(userAgent)) { return chrome; } else if (/firefox/i.test(userAgent)) { return firefox; } else if (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/)) { return safari; } return undefined; }, getClassName: function () { var browser = this.getBrowser(); if (browser === edge) { return 'edge'; } else if (browser === ie11) { return 'ie11'; } else if (browser === ie10) { return 'ie10'; 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